
with Alice Walker and Becky Ramsey (Sub Dean)
Becoming a Member of AGO Atlanta
Membership in the American Guild of Organists is open to all professional organists and choir directors, students, and organ enthusiasts alike, regardless of musical ability or denominational affiliation. For more information, see the AGO National Headquarters website.
National American Guild of Organists
Join the American Guild of Organists
Membership in the Atlanta Chapter of the American Guild of Organists is now processed by the national office via the ONCARD system. If you are already a member, please click on the appropriate link below. If you are a new member, please click on the link below to go to the American Guild of Organists website and follow the instructions for joining the Guild.
Current & Renewing Members New Members
Questions? Please contact us.
Member Benefits
National Benefits
Member benefits at the national level include:
- Subscription to The American Organist magazine
- Special member rates for national and regional conventions
- Resources for education and professional development, and availability of professional certification and group insurance plans
For more about these and other benefits, see AGO National Membership Overview.
Atlanta Chapter Benefits
Atlanta Chapter benefits include:
- The Organizer (our chapter newsletter)
- A copy and listing in the annual yearbook
- Access to post to the AAGO Performance Calendar
- Notification of chapter programs and social activities
- List of available positions
- Listing on our Substitute Musicians and Teachers list if desired
- Access to the chapter listserv to post and receive announcements and information exclusively for members
- Eligibility for the Illness Assistance Plan
- Eligibility for certification assistance
- Support for contracts
- Pay scales and other professional concerns