First Presbyterian Church of Gainesville

First Presbyterian Church of Gainesville

800 South Enota Drive

Gainesville, GA 30501

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Parkey Organ Builders

2010 -
Op. 11

3 Manuals - 4 Divisions - 42 Stops - 40 Ranks
61-note Manuals - AGO Standard 32-note Pedalboard - Electro-pneumatic action

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     I – CHOIR
8 Violin Diapason 61 8 Schalmei 61
8 Gedeckt 61 8 Fanfare Trumpet prepared GT
8 Dulciana 61 Tremolo
8 Unda Maris 61 Choir 16
4 Violin Principal 61 Choir Unison Off
2 Principal 61 Choir 4
1 1/3 Quint 61
     II – GREAT
16 Bourdon SW 1 3/5 Tierce 61
8 Principal 61 1 1/3 Mixture IV 244
8 Metal Gedackt 61 8 Trompete 61
4 Octave 61 8 Fanfare Trumpet prepared
4 Spitz Flute 61 Tremolo
2 2/3 Nazard 61 Zimbelstern
2 Tapered Flute 61
     III – SWELL
16 Bourdon 12 16 Bassoon 12
8 Chimney Flute 61 8 Trompette 61
8 Viola 61 8 Oboe 61
8 Viola Celeste 54 Tremolo
4 Principal 61 Swell 16
4 Harmonic Flute 61 Swell Unison Off
2 Octavin 61 Swell 4
1 Plein Jeu IV 244
32 Resultant Derived III Mixture 96
16 Principal 32 32 Cornet V Derived
16 Subbass 32 16 Posaune 32
16 Bourdon SW 16 Bassoon SW
8 Octave 12 8 Trompete 12
8 Bass Flute 12 4 Shalmei CH
4 Choral Bass 32 8 Fanfare Trumpet prepared
4 Nachthorn 32
     Interdivisional Couplers & Accessories
Great to Pedal 8, 4 PISTONS / TOE STUDS
Swell to Pedal 8, 4 6 Great Pistons
Choir to Pedal 8, 4 6 Swell Pistons
6 Choir Pistons
Swell to Great 16, 8, 4 6 Pedal Toe Studs
10 General Pistons / Toe Studs
Choir to Great 16, 8, 4
Swell to Choir 16, 8, 4 Great to Pedal Piston / Toe Stud
Swell to Pedal Piston / Toe Stud
MIDI on Swell Choir to Pedal Piston / Toe Stud
MIDI on Great Swell to Great Piston / Toe Stud
MIDI on Choir
MIDI on Pedal Zimbelstern
MIDI Sequencer Full Organ
General Cancel
Great/Choir Transfer Set
“Any Piston Next” Sequencer

Parkey Organ Builders

Robert Tucker
Recording: Benjamin Lewis and Phil Parkey

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